Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Today Equates Future

When times slip through your fingers and the seconds pass without grateful thinking, the "god" of time likes to send a little reminder that its time you'll never get back.

Moments pass and sometimes we all become confused. There's no true or concise answer that has ever been depicted on our daily movement. So then what? They say live today like it's your last, yet they always tell us to prepare for the future. It's a double whet sword and I don't know how to dice the apple. We turn to metaphysical things for validation and belonging, but who or what are they to say the meaning of belonging truly is. However, if I've come to learn just a little something about this metaphysical meaning, its freedom and choice. There's an apparent freedom to decide what we wish and want. But time doesn't wait for us to decide. The moon still rises, and the sun still sets with every passing day just like the day before.

These future moments of past contemplation arrive and it is then we decide. We decide what we want and hopefully it will all turn out for the best. So I'll live in today's time with the hope of a future that just maybe it won't be lived in vain. That a legacy can live on from my minuscule breathe and that my generations beyond can stand proud. How does that saying go? "Every saint has a past, every sinner has a future." We can take the day of yesterday and learn. Make that one change for that day constant and consistent for everyday thereafter. And in the day's passing we will come to shape the future days.

And while we linger in that hope; tomorrow will be brighter, better, and more bountiful than the past moons have ever witnessed. So I make the choice of changing today with the hope that my change will only be in the betterment of my generation's future. That these constant, consistent changes will become habitual characteristics of an aloofly proud entity of the universe. And in the woeful depiction of future seconds slipping away, its in those ticking seconds that hold our futuristic truth.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Second Chances

Have you ever done something within your life and always wanted to finish or do something different about it? I know I have. I'm sure we all have. I've learned a hard lesson in taking a step back and reanalyzing my past steps and doing the whole; coulda, shoulda, woulda aspect of it all.

Sometimes our second chances are given to us so that we can achieve and fix the mistakes prior. Sometimes our second chances are literal do-overs. It's our gift from the universe to make wrong, right. For me? The universe granted me a chance to powder down my concrete heart and see the true contents inside. Because of you I will say, "Thank-you."

We encounter others on the daily with the hopes that the minuscule things we do will change the world.
I've learned that those little things added up to a big change within me. I've learned to see the hope that my said concrete heart was never able to see before. There's a girlie finesse thats come to transcend onto my exterior that  I wasn't sure exactly existed before. A faith and childish hope that my dream come true and my one day could possibly be looming upon my near and distance future.

My second chance was my second chance at true hope, true confidence, true worth; that I with everything involved am worth it. I got that second chance to understand the true meaning of family. I got that second chance to understand my subconscious heart and actions. Placing myself in the aspect of, one day that will be me. I got my second chances, and my second chances have become my everything. I even got my second chance to fix my broken hardened heart. I got that chance to understand that feeling of true care and company. I got that second chance to understand strong doesn't have to mean hard. I got that second chance to see that crack in my concrete heart wasn't jackhammered there because I was weak. It was jackhammered there because it was what I needed. I needed to feel again. I needed to be side-swiped and pummeled to the ground then lift back up again to gain that second chance insight.

It was what I needed.

Quite possibly the best second chance I got was fixing the ending that resulted in a second layer of cement around my already hardened heart. After all emotions settled in, paths came to cross again. To fix the wrong previously done to understand we both have won. Its that chance of all chances to change that first ending. The ending that harbored anger, hurt, and guilt. Its re-written now in how it always should have been, in hopeful communication. Its a veered path that we both didn't see that shifted the sight of our course. But widened eyes and powdered hearts are exactly what the cosmos ordered.

To think and feel, to see the difference; its seconds to second chances to re-write our lost hope.

Here's to my second chance at hopeful memories