It's a place where we spend most of our time. We contemplate and think. Ponder the day away into drifting shapeshifting thoughts. No matter how grand or insignificant the aspect could possibly be, that amount of time that it consumes truly depicts its greatness to us. Sitting on the thought; marking, jotting, and taking all the probabilities and placing them into each positive and negative factors. Whatever case it may be, it is us being stationary. We're not doing anything. We're not achieving anything. Marking the graph trying to verify the theory correct or incorrect on paper does no one any good unless those markings are made by doing. Contemplating and going back and forth while theorizing is such a commonplace in each of our lives that we hardly ever recognize it. Let's make a change. We know what we want. We know what we got. We learn what we want through what we got. It may never be ideal, but it is what we got. We must always learn to make do. Deal with whatever situation it is that we got, and then go with it. Go with it to flow with it. I have a tendency to always find myself on the "darker" end of the spectrum. Glass is always half empty instead of half full. It's something that I've been learning to change within myself, and I must say, that minute change of thought has begun to make all the difference. There's that saying, "You are given what you need, not what you want." We may not always realize it because we're all too enthralled with our emotions. Our emotions having that power to dictate our every action, allowing them to compel our bodies and minds to do actions that our rational mind would never allow. It's interesting how compelling an emotion can and could possibly be; but it all befalls within us. It is within us to see the glass as half full. It is within us to find that glimmer of hope in the darkened abysmal whirlpool. It is within us to understand that need we needed to have in our lives. It is within us to find the meaning of the need and follow through. It is within us to go with the flow and understand that at the end of it, it will all be okay. It's just the drudging through that's the hard part. Nothing easy was worth it. Ask any person that was easily satisfied and fulfilled. There's no true accomplishment. There's no true worth. It's the hardship that define the being. It's the character acquired throughout the process. So twist the fact of the matter into your favor and make that move to your better mind. Quit contemplating, start doing, and understand that stories don't end in "Happily ever after…" they end in "It'll all be okay…" Sorry boys and girls, Disney lied. But he lied with good intention and a good heart. To allowed us to see the hope in the despair. To remind us that if we're willing to just get up and go and do, our dreams will be fulfilled with self accomplishment and true worth while happiness. It's about understanding the position that we're in and making the change to change it. It's about getting out of your mind and compelling oneself to walk, go, do, and be. Just let go of what you want and understand that this is what you need. You figure out exactly what you want with what you got. So get it. There's no telling how many miles you'll have to run to chase a dream. Sometimes the most selfish things are the most beneficial. You'll never know unless you test yourself. Don't break, just bend.
"Be as you wish to seem" ladies and gentlemen and you will fulfill your worth...
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