Monday, February 20, 2012

Differential Love

A river may feed a flower, but the flower feeds the river meaning of life.

When people ask me to describe myself, I always find myself looking for someone familiar to me, to give the description of me, to me. A little ironic right? But I'd like to think or just pretend I'm not alone in that particular aspect; if not; just humor me. Just smile and nod your head. For a moment; you'll be congruent with my quirky thinking process. I've been intertwined with myself for decades now. I should be able to give at least a couple of accurate or semi-accurate adjectives about myself. But I guess that would all be relative depending on how I felt.  

We all go through making connections and exchanging words, but does it ever mean a thing? There's a hope of, "Will I ever see you again?" (Sometimes) And other times we fall upon the reality of "Thank God I'll never see them again!" Words are powerful and actions are moving. The invisible thread woven through each one of us in those conversations are forever bounding. Menial or not, words are spoken into the atmosphere and can linger for centuries on. 

We all become immortal.

When we think of others, an emotion rises to the surface. It is a deep superficial exterior coating to the reaction of your actions. We will always remember how one made us feel. It is our feelings and emotions that help in allowing us to dictate our movement. We stay, go, walk toward, or run away. Either way it is an emotion that lead us toward that step. We can always find a characteristic that we admire or loathe in another. Whether negative or positive we take that with us and act upon that attraction. With every touch, there is a feeling. With every feeling, there is an internal movement. We remember. 

We will always recall upon that interaction and remember that feeling. It will move us into the direction that we've been wanting or waiting to stroll. That feeling is that push of courage. It feeds us the internal strength that we need to move the way we want, through what the universe said we needed to be tested through. It's the invisible thread we weave into another's backbone to help support their stance. Sometimes we bend to almost break that we find the fibers of that thread holding us together. Or even in the most severe cases we find that thread itself weaving us back together. We remember.

Our memories of another will always and forever remain; through story, word, and action. It's our hearts that feed the urge to share. For sharing is the most giving gift of all. Their lips will cause us to listen, and our feelings will tell us to move. We'll move to share and care in that same direction. We will all as a society move together as different entities tied by that invisible thread. Walking each in our path, marking a new; We remember.

Centuries have gone, and centuries will soon come to pass. Word of mouth will forever last and actions will constantly be cast. Our immortality is engraved in touching hearts. 

There is a reason to be careful. There is a reason why the adage; "Think before you speak" is engraved into our heads as we grow and develop. We need to become mindful of our movement. For our movement will intertwine with another and our threads are forever bounding. Forgetting something so deeply engraved is never a simple task. I've tried to forget, and have failed miserably that I gave up trying to forget. After many conversations, and after many healing threads; I've been able to twist that hurt into motivational memories. My stance is slowly becoming "steady" every now and then growing a little tired and weak. Except, I know the immortal bonds threaded in me will always help me find a way to be steady once again. There is a reason why it isn't intended to be forgotten. 

Act honorably so there is no reason to want to forget.

*** Dedicated to those who have loved me, hurt me, moved me, and pushed me. Thank you.  

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Once a Dream

You Live once 
To have once
To share once
To care once...

I see it in their face, I sense it in their eyes... You walk alone???

I do. For the simple fact of the matter I do. I walk alone, to go alone, to see alone, to explore alone. It's the beauty in the breathe to go and do yourself. It's in the silence we find our answers and it's in our silence we find our truth. Walking these steps I find myself wanting to share. Call it the hopeless romantic, or call it sheer loneliness; whatever the case, whatever the moment, I find myself going, doing, seeing, listening, being alone that sometimes I'd find it nice and pleasant to share that with another. Except, finding that one to share my quirky silence could possibly be the most horrifying task to date. Hi I'm Amora, want to sit in silence with me?

It's rather a strange question to ask a stranger, eh? I bet it'd get you thinking. It's that silent beat of the air. The deep thumping pumping heart that keeps the circle going. It's hard to sit within yourself. Sitting in, waiting in, going in, being in; It's a bitch, unless you've reached that state of marvelous nirvana where everything is peonies, cupcakes, and unicorns. Btw, if you're there please take me with you. Perception is your personal reality, and personal reality is internal perception. It's an annoying vicious cycle that ends and begins with oneself. But I'm a stranger, a by-stander, texted word on your computer screen, iPad, iPhone, or any other complicated piece of technology to make us feel socially aware. 
You don't know me and I don't know you; but I am slithering my way into your brain. Enticing, eh? I'd rather have my character and content of heart to define me instead of the meaningless socially proper things that I do. 

As we go on maybe one day we'll all see face to face.

You see me and I see you.

There are thoughts, there are fantasies, there are dreams. There are dreams of a maybe and stories completely by mind. I could be your every answer, I could be your every question. I could be your everything. I could be your nothing. Thoughts just travel and race through your lobular content, but once we engage. It is over. That fantasy of your maybe diminishes to the truth and reality of that hello. It is a fragmented dusted dream replaced. We had that force field of mystery. The mystery of said intrigue went from engaged to disengaged. For once more we maybe and hopefully interact with an internal moving entity.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Mind to Movement

It's a place where we spend most of our time. We contemplate and think. Ponder the day away into drifting shapeshifting thoughts. No matter how grand or insignificant the aspect could possibly be, that amount of time that it consumes truly depicts its greatness to us. Sitting on the thought; marking, jotting, and taking all the probabilities and placing them into each positive and negative factors. Whatever case it may be, it is us being stationary. We're not doing anything. We're not achieving anything. Marking the graph trying to verify the theory correct or incorrect on paper does no one any good unless those markings are made by doing. Contemplating and going back and forth while theorizing is such a commonplace in each of our lives that we hardly ever recognize it. Let's make a change. We know what we want. We know what we got. We learn what we want through what we got. It may never be ideal, but it is what we got. We must always learn to make do. Deal with whatever situation it is that we got, and then go with it. Go with it to flow with it. I have a tendency to always find myself on the "darker" end of the spectrum. Glass is always half empty instead of half full. It's something that I've been learning to change within myself, and I must say, that minute change of thought has begun to make all the difference. There's that saying, "You are given what you need, not what you want." We may not always realize it because we're all too enthralled with our emotions. Our emotions having that power to dictate our every action, allowing them to compel our bodies and minds to do actions that our rational mind would never allow. It's interesting how compelling an emotion can and could possibly be; but it all befalls within us. It is within us to see the glass as half full. It is within us to find that glimmer of hope in the darkened abysmal whirlpool. It is within us to understand that need we needed to have in our lives. It is within us to find the meaning of the need and follow through. It is within us to go with the flow and understand that at the end of it, it will all be okay. It's just the drudging through that's the hard part. Nothing easy was worth it. Ask any person that was easily satisfied and fulfilled. There's no true accomplishment. There's no true worth. It's the hardship that define the being. It's the character acquired throughout the process. So twist the fact of the matter into your favor and make that move to your better mind. Quit contemplating, start doing, and understand that stories don't end in "Happily ever after…" they end in "It'll all be okay…" Sorry boys and girls, Disney lied. But he lied with good intention and a good heart. To allowed us to see the hope in the despair. To remind us that if we're willing to just get up and go and do, our dreams will be fulfilled with self accomplishment and true worth while happiness. It's about understanding the position that we're in and making the change to change it. It's about getting out of your mind and compelling oneself to walk, go, do, and be. Just let go of what you want and understand that this is what you need. You figure out exactly what you want with what you got. So get it. There's no telling how many miles you'll have to run to chase a dream. Sometimes the most selfish things are the most beneficial. You'll never know unless you test yourself. Don't break, just bend.

"Be as you wish to seem" ladies and gentlemen and you will fulfill your worth...